Christmas Angels 2023

Surprise your Christmas Angels with their picture in our December 27, 2023 publication!

Submission deadline is December 13, 2023

-Here’s how it works-
Mail, e-mail, submit via the website or drop off your photograph to:

Christmas Angels
P.O. Box 810
Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1R9

Submit via
Drop in at 5110 – 50 Street









*Complete form & attach photo
*$35 per picture for processing
*If sending a physical photo for scanning, you may include a self-addressed stamped envelope so the picture may be returned or stop by our office to pick up your photo after Publication of the issue.
*All Christmas Angel pictures must be prepaid
*Deadline to submit photographs is December 13, 2023.

Due to space limitations, any information other than what is represented in the
form above may not be published. Also, please make sure the angels are close
together in your submitted photos for the best results.